Male Level 1: Gain Muscle Wile Losing Fat


Increase and harden lean muscle, minimize fat, increase energy levels, and improve overall health. Your goal is controlled fat loss while increasing lean muscle.


The most important supplement you can buy is protein powder, as your goal will be to have 3 meals and 2 snacks each day. Muscle Provider and Ultimate Muscle Protein are the best.


Super Pak w/ breakfast.
Lean Out Take 2 caps with each meal and shake (if fat loss is primary goal).
Density Take 3 tablets with each meal (if muscle gain is your primary goal)
Glutamine Select Mix 2 scoops in 16 oz water. Sip before or throughout training sessions.


Eat 4-6 meals per day spaced 2-4 hours apart. Eat your last meal at least 1-2 hours before going to bed. Your goal will be to have 3 food meals and 1 or 2 protein shakes each day.



Basic Structure:

1 medium serving protein

1 or 2 servings complex or fibrous carbohydrate

Sample Meal: 6 egg white + 2 whole egg omelet w/vegetables; 1 cup oatmeal or 1 grapefruit

Mid Morning Snack

Protein Drink: 2 scoops protein + water – for flavor and variety you may add up to 2 tbsp almond butter or whipping cream per shake (for weight gain mix in 16 oz milk plus 2 tbsp whipping cream).


Basic Structure:

1 large serving protein
2-3 servings vegetables
1 serving complex carbohydrate

Sample Meal: large turkey burger; 2 cups broccoli or 1 can green beans; 1 medium sweet potato

Mid Afternoon Snack

Protein Drink: same options as mid morning snack


Basic Structure:

1 large serving protein
2-3 servings vegetables

1 serving fat (dressing)

Sample Meal: 1 or 2 large chicken breasts or lean beef patties; 1-2 cups green beans; 2 cups salad vegetables; 2 tbsp vinegar & oil dressing

Weekly Cheat Meal

Choose one meal each week to eat whatever you want.