
Personal Trainer client of the Month

“2013 had been an awful year for me. My oldest son was t-boned in a car accident, my father passed away, we totaled our vehicle coming home from vacation with my youngest son in the car, breaking my wrist in two places, and my middle son completely tore his ACL needing surgery; all this occurred in a six month period. Receiving the results of my annual blood work just felt like a pile-on. My doctor said, get fit, or start on several medications. Feeling sorry for myself and tired of feeling like a victim, I typed “personal training” into Google, and BOE popped near the top of my search engine results. Was I ready to make a commitment to this? No, but I could fill out a web form to request more information.

I filled in my name, and email, and my husband’s phone number, in case I changed my mind and didn’t want to be bugged.
I received a response a couple of days later:

“Hello Diana, I wanted to follow up with you regarding your interest in our services. We have been unable to reach you by phone or leave a voicemail [Just as I planned!] I sent an email earlier this week [which I ignored] Please let us know what days and times are best for you to meet [I’m on the fence still] We look forward to speaking with you soon! Thanks! [A little too perky for this cynic] Nate McConnell, owner, Bodies of Empowerment “Get the body you’ve always dreamed of!” [So they are miracle workers?]”

Well, I signed up and my life has changed in just eight short weeks. My biggest challenge wasn’t physical, it was fighting me mentally, to commit to change and take this on. I looked for outs at every turn and wanted to quit so many times. The support and encouragement I received from the trainers was and continues to be invaluable to my success story. I can reach out as needed when I need advice on party strategy, or discontent after a difficult training session. I always receive a response with encouragement, and a different viewpoint, and this helps to put things in perspective. The physical part is challenging too, but I also receive encouragement from both the other members and trainers, which has helped tremendously. The second time I attended a training session; I had a terrible anxiety attack, and wanted to leave. A member said something to me I carried with me for a long time, “At least you showed up.” Another time, I was cutting a corner, and not doing an exercise to my full potential, my work out buddy, Lori, called me out and said “Hey that looks too easy!” She was right, I was only cheating myself. Nutrition is part of the package too. I am not on a diet, I am being taught to make different choices, and change my metabolism. It’s all working too!

So this cynic is down one size, can climb the steps behind Krohn Conservatory, stand and kneel in church without aide, and sit through a football game on bleachers without tiring. These are all new to me, and I plan on doing more; dancing at the Mom Prom in January (my son is really excited about that one!), making it up bear hill at the zoo, and walking on the beach in June, and receive better results at my next physical. Short term goals, confidence and the tools to get there are what BOE has given me. All of these add up to build on the long term goals of better health and wellness. Thanks BOE and my BOE buddies! I share this honor with you guys! “

Sincerely, Diana

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