
I came to Bodies of Empowerment in January 2013 looking for a way to make fitness part of my everyday routine. I grew up dancing and hadn’t been able to find anything to fill that void. Working in medicine I saw every day the effect of poor lifestyle choices on health, and knew I had to start good (better) habits early.

I was initially intimidated by the idea of weight training, something I hadn’t done very much of, and worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up. But it didn’t take long to realize that trainers were experienced in working with all levels and abilities. I love the tailored routines that challenge me within reason – I’ve learned so much about weight and resistance training, and I’m never bored thanks to the creativity each trainer brings. I’ve also learned a lot about nutrition, and made changes that are sustainable (and don’t prohibit everything fun).

In addition to being a fitter and healthier person, I’m also a happier one. I’ve met so many great people through BOE, from trainers to other clients. The accountability and camaraderie is a huge benefit of the group training format and something I really enjoy.

Thanks for everything BOE!


Ready to get started?

Begin your transformation with our Fitness Consultation for $50. Text below to schedule.